Mark Ryan

Towards seamless Python package installation on riscv64

Saturday 13:00-13:35 | H.1309 (Van Rijn)

Have you ever wondered why certain Python packages fail to install on riscv64 devices? Why, instead of pleasing "Successfully installed" messages, riscv64 users are often presented with bleak screens full of errors? How, in the face of all of these errors, are those users supposed to run Python based AI or data analytic workloads? To the curious who have briefly pondered such things as the package names and errors go scrolling by, this talk is aimed at you! It will explain how Python packages are built and why upstream projects do not provide versions of their packages for riscv64 devices. It will discuss the progress being made in adding riscv64 support to the Python packaging ecosystem. Finally, it will explain how RISE is mitigating the current lamentable situation by building and distributing riscv64 wheels for a select set of popular Python packages.